Nicola is a contributor to newspapers, magazines and online news outlets, and is also a regular guest broadcaster on international events. Her expertise as a health correspondent and editor means she is able to write in depth articles on all medical and health related issues, ranging from cancer, vaccines, heart disease and nanotechnology, to wellbeing and diet.

It is important that the person teaching you media and communication skills is someone who is still active in the media world. That's why NC Media uses experienced journalists for all media training sessions.
Nicola Hill has more than 30 years experience as a broadcast journalist, with the BBC, Sky News and TRT World, specialising in healthcare and science. She has reported from all over the world, gaining permission to make documentaries in Saudi Arabia, Cuba and Africa. She broadcast daily throughout the Covid 19 pandemic (see her showreel here), and is in demand as a commentator on TV.
She regularly writes in depth health features for the Daily Mail's Good Health pages, the Telegraph, Express, magazines and digital news.


Award Winner
Extraordinary story of a double hand transplant, with a remarkable case study.
Medical Journalist Association,
Finalist 2022

Safe Pair of Hands
Thank you for the lovely piece today - looking forward to the next.
Justine Hancock,
Editor Good Health,
Daily Mail

Professional Broadcaster
Very nice package, feel like I learned something.
Tim Miller,
Executive Producer
TRT World